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Sales team

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Forklift rental VZV RENT

Spare parts

Pavlína Štanglová


Main store in
Červená Voda

561 61 Červená Voda 535
Czech Republic
GPS 50.0267842N, 16.7543653E
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Showroom Prague

Do Čertous 2717/5
193 00 Praha 20
Czech Republic
GPS 50.1233308N, 14.6094886E
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Invoice data

VZV GROUP s.r.o.
Okružní 1144
500 03 Hradec Králové
Czech Republic

Company ID : 27469662
Company VAT : CZ27469662
Bank details: Komerční banka a.s.
Bank account number: 35-8106240287/0100 EUR
IBAN: CZ30 0100 0000 3581 0624 0287
Registration No. 20857 in the Company Registration Court in Hradec Králové.

Executive head: Milan Černohous
Forklift selection guide
Find a forklift in 5 steps
Using a wizard
Forklift selection guide